Volume 40, Issue 4 (2018)
The Ben J. Altheimer Symposium: The Law and Unnatural Disasters: Legal Adaptations to Climate Change
Harvey, Irma, and the NFIP: Did the 2017 Hurricane Season Matter to Flood Insurance Reauthorization?
Robin Kundis Craig
Denying Disaster: A Modest Proposal for Transitioning from Climate Change Denial Culture in the Southeastern United States
Blake Hudson and Evan Spencer
Taking a Page from the FDA’s Prescription Medicine Information Rules: Reimagining Environmental Information for Climate Change
Sarah Lamdan and Rebecca Bratspies
Informal Governance Structures and Disaster Planning: The Case of Wildfire
Stephen R. Miller, Jaap Vos, and Eric Lindquist
Low Carbon Land Use: Paris, Pittsburgh, and the IPCC
John R. Nolon