The Journal of Appellate Practice and Process
Volume 2, Issue 1 (2000)
The Role of Appellate judges in Intermediate Courts
J. Thomas Sullivan
Appellate Advocacy as Adult Education
Christine Durham
Newly Available, Not Newly Discovered
Penny J. White
Conscience, Judging, and Conscientious Judging
Gene E. Franchini
Competent Appellate Advocacy and Continuing Legal Education: Fitting the Means to the End
D. Franklin Arey III
The Response to Brecheen v. Reynolds: Oklahoma’s System For Evaluating Extra-Record Constitutional Claims In Death Penalty Cased
Jeremy B. Lowrey
Developments and Practice Notes
Standards for Appellate Conduct Adopted in Texas
Kevin Dubose
A (Microsoft) Word to the Wise – Beware of Footnotes and Gray Areas: The Seventh Circuit Continues to Count Words
Clifford S. Zimmerman
The Pitfalls of Replies
Jason Vail