The Journal of Appellate Practice and Process
Volume 8, Issue 1 (2006)
The 2005 National Conference on Appellate Justice
Reading about the National Conference
Nancy Bellhouse May
Statement on the Functions and Future of Appellate Lawyers
The American Academy of Appellate Lawyers
1955-2004 Statistical Data Regarding Federal Courts
The Federal Judicial Center
Statistical Data Regarding State Courts
The National Center for State Courts
Planning and Conduct of the National Conference
Arthur J. England Jr.
Introduction to the National Conference
Daniel J. Meador
Keynote Address
The Old Order Changes
Shirley S. Abrahamson
Introduction to Justice Breyer's Remarks
Oscar G. Chase
Selected Presentations from the General Sessions
Applied Freakonomics: Explaining the Crisis of Volume
Thomas E. Baker
No Court Is an Island
Robert A. Katzmann
Conference Report
The View from the Trenches: A Report on the Breakout Sessions at the 2005 National Conference on Appellate Justice
Arthur D. Hellman
Closing Address
Building an Appellate System Worthy of a Great Nation
Randall T. Shepard