The Journal of Appellate Practice and Process
Volume 8, Issue 2 (2006)
A Favorite
Nancy Bellhouse May
How I Got to the New York Court of Appeals
Albert M. Rosenblatt
Advocacy at Its Best: The Views of Appellate Staff Attorneys
Joseph C. Merling
A Snapshot of Briefs, Opinions, and Citations in Federal Appeals
Robert Timothy Reagan
Practice Note
Ebay v. Mercexchange as a Sign of Things to Come: Is the Supreme Court Still Reluctant to Hear Patent Cases?
Peter O. Huang
After the Bench
All Right, Retired Judges, Write!
Ruggero J. Aldisert
Frank M. Coffin
One Judge's Journey
Janine P. Geske
Stepping Down
D. Brock Hornby
Retired and Working
Roger Philip Kerans
A Firm Foundation for Life after the Bench
Vincent L. McKusick